DIY RV Kitchen: Make Your Own Fruit Hammock

Clean RV kitchen with fruit hanging in hammock

Tired of your RV kitchen looking like a successful game of Fruit Ninja? Stop your fruit and produce from rolling all over your RV’s kitchen and fashion some of these super easy DIY fruit hammocks! These neat organizational additions are incredibly simple to make, cost next to nothing for materials, and can be used in several areas around your RV to keep things from getting cluttered! If you’re more crafty, you could always crochet your own net or sew up a fabric hammock, but these two tutorials are easy for anyone to do! Here’s how!

DIY T-Shirt Fruit Hammock

Why buy it, when you can make it? How to make a t-shirt fruit hammock.

What You’ll Need:

  • An old (or new, if you’d prefer) t-shirt
  • Sewing machine -OR- a needle and thread
  • Scissors
  • Hanging hooks
  • Pen or marker
Here's what you'll need to make a T-shirt fruit hammock.


  1. Turn your t-shirt inside out, and sew along the bottom seam of the shirt.
  2. Using a pen or marker, draw a straight line about two or three inches from each side of the sides of the shirt, about halfway down the shirt. Draw a shallow half circle between the two lines, then cut along your drawn lines.
  3. Turn the hammock right side out.
  4. Use your scissors to cut one-inch slits along the entire sides of the hammock for a netting effect to let the fruit breathe.
  5. Cut horizontal slits toward the top of each side of the hammock for handles.
  6. Use screw-in hooks on the underside of kitchen cabinets. Hang your hammock and fill with fruit!

This hammock is so simple to make, and costs next to nothing as you can use an old t-shirt that you already have on hand! You don’t even have to have great sewing skills! You could just as easily use fabric glue to get the same result! Just a few cuts and a little sewing and you’ll have a great fruit hammock to help you keep your counters and cabinets clear!

Easy DIY Mesh Fruit Hammock

It's as easy as one, two, three. How to make a mesh fruit hammock.

What You’ll Need:

  • Utility mesh or netting
  • Zip ties
  • Hanging hooks
Here's what you'll need to make a mesh fruit hammock.


  1. Cut a rectangle of the utility mesh or netting to the desired size of your hammock.
  2. Bunch up the ends of the rectangle in order to create a hammock shape, and use zip ties to secure the fabric.
  3. Hang your hammock from hooks screwed into the underside of your cabinets and fill with your favorite fruits and produce!

This version of a DIY fruit hammock is even easier to whip up, and looks more like what you’d find in stores! A few inexpensive items are all you need to get this awesome organizational hammock!

No matter which you choose, these nifty DIY fruit hammocks take just minutes to make and will greatly help to keep your RV organized! These are great for more than just fruit and produce too! Fashion some larger hammocks to hold gear, or hang some in the bunkhouse so kids can keep their space easily organized! Leave us a comment to share what fruit you’d put in your fruit hammock, or with ideas for other uses for these versatile nets!

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